Linux Mint

Ioannis Vranos ioannis.vranos at
Mon Oct 24 20:37:22 UTC 2011

I think with Unity, Canonical has moved to a touch-oriented UI, usable
also with a mouse, the same way Microsoft does with the upcoming
Windows 8.

I try to be open minded, so I decided to use it, and I have accustomed to it.

I suggest give it a try with the same mind.

However if you can't be used to it, you may try gnome-shell (GNOME 3.2
Shell), or gnome-panel (GNOME 3.2 classic menu).

Other options are the other officially-supported desktops, like
Xubuntu and Kubuntu. Either by clean installing them, or by installing
the xubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop packages respectively.

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