Re: Mount a new HDD somewhere in the file system ”permanently”

Conny Enström uncurbed at
Mon Oct 24 18:54:11 UTC 2011

2011-10-24 19:50, Johnny Rosenberg skrev:
> We just bought a new HDD for my wife's desktop machine, since the
> existing one seems a bit too small. She work with a lot of images in
> RAW format…
> Ubuntu 10.04 is installed on the old HDD and we are not going to
> change that for quite a while. Our thought is to keep the old HDD with
> Ubuntu 10.04 and let the new one appear as her Images folder somewhere
> in her file system, because that's the folder that will really be
> really.
> What do we need to obtain this permanently?
> We did not decide the exact structure yet, but let's say that we want
> to mount the new HDD as /home/UserName/Something/SomethingElse/Images.
> /home is already a partition of its own at the old HDD.
> I guess there need to be some work done in fstab somehow, right? Is
> there some kind of software out there that let us do this graphically
> or is the terminal the way to go?
> Thanks in advance!
> Kind regards
> Johnny Rosenberg
> ジョニー・ローゼンバーグ


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