Configuration file, bellive in home partition ?

Bruce Pieterse octoquadza at
Mon Oct 24 16:00:57 UTC 2011

On Mon 24 Oct 2011 17:53:02 SAST, Pop Horea-Vasile wrote:
> Can you write to me where is the configuration file, belive in home 
> partition ? I have settings for many programes that are not compatible 
> with what I have to do.
> As I knowed once it is a file and if it be erased the settings for all 
> programs are gone.
> Thank you.

Hi Pop,

The configuration files normally start with a . for file names and 
folders. You can view them by pressing CTRL + H or View > Show Hidden 
Files in nautilus.

I hope this answers your question.
Best of luck,


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