unity panel make sticky

Johnny Rosenberg gurus.knugum at gmail.com
Sun Oct 23 21:05:36 UTC 2011

2011/10/23 Colin Law <clanlaw at googlemail.com>:
> On 23 October 2011 20:41, Bruce Pieterse <octoquadza at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Sun 23 Oct 2011 21:23:14 SAST, Colin Law wrote:
>>> ...
>>> The menu itself is hidden at the moment and does not appear till the
>>> mouse is over it, there is no reason why the panel should auto-appear
>>> just as quickly as the menu itself appears at the moment, so there
>>> would be no additional wait involved.
>>> Colin
>> ...
>> Johnny means using the Gnome 2 option "Autohide" for taskbars where the
>> panel is hidden. When the mouse is pointing to the first top pixel it will
>> show the taskbar again.
> I know that, I was just making the point that there is no conceptual
> reason that the panel could not appear just as quickly as the menu
> currently appears on the bar, so no additional wait would be involved.
> Colin

I guess my English is really bad (not my native language), because I
don't really understand what you are saying here (and maybe this goes
the other way around as well).

This is how I would like it:
We have a launch bar to the left and some kind of panel at the top of
the screen, right? When I sometimes say ”the panel”, I mean that top
panel, but let's just call it the top panel from now on.

Ok, so when no windows are open at the current desktop surface, I can
see the launch bar and the top panel. That's fine.
Let's say I open a window now, which is NOT maximised. As soon as the
windows is open, the launch bar is hidden, but the top bar is still
visible. This is where I would like to be able to change the

When the launch bar is hidden I would like the top panel to be hidden as well.
When I move the mouse pointer to the top of the screen, I would like
the top panel to appear, but the launch bar to remain hidden.
When I move the mouse pointer to the left of the screen, I would like
the launch bar to appear. If the top panel also appears, it's OK but
would prefer it not to.
I would also like the launch bar to be moveable, so I can have it at
the bottom of the screen, for instance.

If I work with several not maximised windows at the same time at the
same desktop surface, I don't want the top panel to be in the way for
my not maximised windows, that's the only thing I ask for.
If a window is maximised, then I don't mind the top panel being visible.

The resolution of my Eee PC 900 screen is only 1024 × 600 (or
something like that), so I would happily welcome any extra space I can
get on the screen. In fact, every extra pixel is very welcome…

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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