Ubuntu 11.04 server with RAID 1

Sterpu Victor victor at casnt.ro
Sat Oct 22 18:40:51 UTC 2011

Ubuntu server is version 11.10 not 11.04.
I wrote the wrong version in the original post.

On 22.10.2011 21:38, Sterpu Victor wrote:
> Hello
> In can't install Ubuntu 11.04 server with RAID 1.
> The error is "Cannot install grub on /dev/sdb" and the system is not 
> bootable.
> I have 2 hdd's and each has 4 partitions rezulting 4 RAIDs.
> The final RAID partitions are swap, /boot, / and /tmp.
> After receiving the error I went to the console(ALT+F4) and tryed to 
> install grub manualy but the command grub-install is not available.
> How do I solve this?
> Thank you.

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