Bitchin' about Installing Google Chrome

Douglas Saylor absdoug at
Thu Oct 13 19:29:29 UTC 2011

I'll figure this out, but WOW does it amaze me how easy pop-fly balls
to the outfield (baseball term) are just DROPPED. I've got a friend
who's not a tech guy & he'll NEVER figure this out!

Looking to install Google Chrome, I'm sure some people have heard of
it. Search Software Center ...nothing! REALLY!? Too obscure? I'm
speachless! Download the .deb folder off the net, Ubuntu Software
Center fails.

I'm sure some terminal magic will work for me. Back in the early 80's
a command prompt scared me off computers till 1994, which WAS my lose
...but either way terminal DOES scare may people away. THIS SHOULD
JUST WORK! Oh wait that's Apple /Zing! Ok, thanks for listening to my
bitch ...I'm going to go find the terminal command that will install

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