Downloading in Firefox stuck

Colin Law clanlaw at
Thu Oct 13 16:55:49 UTC 2011

On 13 October 2011 17:46, Bruce Pieterse <octoquadza at> wrote:
> On Thu 13 Oct 2011 18:27:38 SAST, Avi Greenbury wrote:
>> Colin Law wrote:
>>> I am trying to download Oneiric iso in Firefox 7 and it has stuck at
>>> 478 of 695MB. I wonder what to do now.  I have limited bandwidth so
>>> don't want to start again unless necessary.  I have waited an hour but
>>> nothing is happening.  FF is still going ok, it is just the download
>>> that has got stuck.
>> If your bandwidth is limited, your best bet is probably to either
>> download it over bittorrent for the reliability and speed, or wait until
>> the rush is over (give it a few days), by which point you'll be able to
>> get more reliable HTTP connections to the various HTTP mirrors.
>> In fact, bittorrent is almost always the fastest and most reliable way
>> to get it, especially immediately post-release.
> Colin,
> If you click pause it should resume as I have just tested it. However if you
> need to restart your internet connection you can pause it, restart the
> connection and resume.
> If you want to make sure that you don't lose your progress you can do the
> following.
> - Pause the download
> - Copy the ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso.part as
> ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso.part.bak
> - Resume the download, if it fails to resume follow the next step
> - Start the download again
> - As soon as it starts, pause it and delete the
> ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso.part or ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso
> (sometimes the .part is not there)
> - Copy ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso.part.bak as
> ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso.part or ubuntu-11.10-desktop-amd64.iso
> - Resume Download
> It has worked for me a few times, however the download will always restart
> if the server doesn't support resuming.
> I haven't tried this but you could also start a torrent download, pause it
> after the download has begun, delete the file that was there, replace it
> with your .part version, verify the download and the start the download in
> your favourite torrent app.
> I hope this helps you :)

It certainly did, I paused the download, copied the part file just in
case, and resumed it and off it went again.
That has got to be a bug in FF I think.  If pause and resume recovered
the situation then FF should have been clever enough to recover by
itself rather than sitting there for two hours doing nothing useful.
I shall certainly be checking the md5sum however, just in case it is not right.



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