Reinstalled Ubuntu 10.10 it's a no go...

Larry Shields larryesu at
Mon Oct 10 17:19:36 UTC 2011

On 10/09/2011 08:15 AM, Conny Enström wrote:
> 2011-10-08 23:10, Larry Shields skrev:
>> *Well I went ahead and reinstalled ubuntu 10.10, now when it boots I am
>> getting this:
>> Reboot and Slect proper Boot device or insert Boot media in slected Boot
>> device and press a key_
>> Well now I have disabled the floppy drive & the CD-Rom drive the boot
>> sequence is only 1 HDD whcih was saved in the setup bios, so why in the
>> world is this happening...
>> I have never had a problem like this before, and it is beating me to
>> death, too many hours spending on it, trying to figure out why it will
>> not boot correctly...
>> Anyone have any idea...
>> Thanks for any help you can offer - - I am using the Live CD to get on
>> the Internet...
>> Larry
>> *
> How to Restore the Grub Menu after a Re-Ghosting:
> 1. Boot from a Live CD, like Ubuntu Live, Knoppix, Mepis, or similar.
> 2. Open a Terminal. Go SuperUser (that is, type "su"). Enter root 
> passwords as necessary.
> 3. Type "grub" which makes a GRUB prompt appear.
> 4. Type "find /boot/grub/stage1". You'll get a response like "(hd0)" 
> or in my case "(hd0,3)". Use whatever your computer spits out for the 
> following lines.
> 5. Type "root (hd0,3)".
> 6. Type "setup (hd0,3)". This is key. Other instructions say to use 
> "(hd0)", and that's fine if you want to write GRUB to the MBR. If you 
> want to write it to your linux root partition, then you want the 
> number after the comma, such as "(hd0,3)".
> 7. Type "quit".
> 8. Restart the system. Remove the bootable CD.
*Ok sorry for the delay, but I followed your directions, #3 the grub 
prompt came up, so I typed in find /boot/grub/stage1 the response was 
Error 15: File not found...

So with that I could not continue...

I just talked to a guy, who does repairs on PC's, and I told him what 
problem that I was having, in that being only one 250gb HD connected to 
my system, and installed Linux on this hd drive, I also mentioned that I 
had told it to use the whole drive...Now he said that could be why it is 
not booting up...I told him I have always done that and it has allways 

He also mentioned to it could be the MBR needs to be installed...Now 
that I am not sure of how to get it installed on this HD...???

With this new motherboard the Biostar A780L3L, has been giving me 
problems, in that it will after installing Ubuntu from the Live CD, it 
will not boot this drive...Yes it is setup to be the first device too 

Any help from anyone, maybe some one else has this same board, and he or 
she can help me figure out what too do...Because I have spent many hours 
on trying to get it to work, and I am about to try and send the board 
back if they will take it...

Thanks for any help on this matter...

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