Looking for a web form creating application for sqlite or mysql

Chris G cl at isbd.net
Wed Oct 5 10:52:39 UTC 2011

On Wed, Oct 05, 2011 at 09:40:17AM +0100, Avi Greenbury wrote:
> > > 3) Use a db admin app (like PHPMyAdmin) with a user granted only
> > > those permissions needed (just inserts?). Bit messy, but nice and
> > > quick.
> > > 
> > PHPMyAdmin (and it's close relatives) are aimed at managing the
> > database and tables rather than entering data.  I've already tried
> > two or three of them and they're *horribly* clumsy to use for simply
> > entering data into a table.
> Yeah, like I say, entering data straight into a db table isn't normally
> what's wanted; generally there's a bunch of tedium to be done to the
> data by the computer first.
Well MS Access (spit!) provides *exactly* what I need in two different
ways, so some people seem to want it!  :-)

    If you simply display the table in the tables tab in Access you can
    enter data row by row as I want.

    If you use the forms wizard to create a 'tabular' form it provides
    what I want, with the additional ability to do a bit of tuning.

If I could use Access to create forms for use in a web page I could do
what I want with very little effort.

Chris Green

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