Looking for a web form creating application for sqlite or mysql

Avi Greenbury lists at avi.co
Wed Oct 5 08:40:17 UTC 2011

Chris G wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 05, 2011 at 12:11:58AM +0100, Avi Greenbury wrote:
> > Chris G wrote:
> > 
> > > Obviously there will need to be some customisation/configuration
> > > but if I can effectively define what is shown by specifying the
> > > database columns as I want then that should be it.
> > 
> > Three options that come to mind are:
> > 
> > 1) Write an interface in PHP or similar. You'll get exactly what you
> > want, but will probably need to learn something. It's not *hard*,
> > but there may be several new things to understand.
> > 
> Yes, I could do that, but it really surprises me that there aren't
> *any* ready made applications.

Yeah, the problem here is that it's a very specific use-case (it's not
often that you want to fill in a db table with data straight from a
human) and, in any case, it's something that's pretty quick for
someone who does know how to do it to knock up. Anyone with even just
a passing familiarity with any sort of web development is likely to get
something working within ten minutes or so and something relatively
polished in under an hour.

> > 2) Use a spreadsheet app, save the filled-in form as a CSV and then
> > import that into whatever db you want.
> > 
> Very clumsy and not usable across the web.  It's the *data entry* on
> the web that I'm after.

You could use something like Google docs?

> > 3) Use a db admin app (like PHPMyAdmin) with a user granted only
> > those permissions needed (just inserts?). Bit messy, but nice and
> > quick.
> > 
> PHPMyAdmin (and it's close relatives) are aimed at managing the
> database and tables rather than entering data.  I've already tried
> two or three of them and they're *horribly* clumsy to use for simply
> entering data into a table.

Yeah, like I say, entering data straight into a db table isn't normally
what's wanted; generally there's a bunch of tedium to be done to the
data by the computer first.


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