[ADMIN] Additional moderator(s) sought for ubuntu-users list - clarifications

Billie Walsh bilwalsh at swbell.net
Mon Oct 3 13:19:30 UTC 2011

On 10/02/2011 04:26 AM, Paul Sladen wrote:
> So which category best describes yourself?  Are you:
>    (a) a User, with a support request.  If so, ask a detailed question.
>    (b) a Supporter, answering a user's question.  If so, answer it.
> If you're not doing either, you're contributing to the noise here.
> Just as I (sadly) am doing right now too.

If I might add one more suggestion here.

Please read replies that have already been posted before you offer your 
suggestions. [ of course that doesn't apply if your the first responder 
to a question ] Many times someone will reply to a question after 
several others have already made the same, or similar, suggestions. [ 
threading your e-mail will help with this ]


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for dinner. 
Liberty is a well-armed lamb."     - Benjamin Franklin -

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