[ADMIN] Additional moderator(s) sought for ubuntu-users list - clarifications

Paul Sladen ubuntu at paul.sladen.org
Sun Oct 2 09:26:09 UTC 2011

On Sat, 1 Oct 2011, Ernest Doub wrote:
> Support is a two way street.

So which category best describes yourself?  Are you:

  (a) a User, with a support request.  If so, ask a detailed question.
  (b) a Supporter, answering a user's question.  If so, answer it.

If you're not doing either, you're contributing to the noise here.
Just as I (sadly) am doing right now too.

> I know the developers don't really want to hear that about something 

On the contrary.  Developers working on Ubuntu and its associated
components *really appreciate* receiving specific hard feedback.

It's open-source and in free software the ultimate currency is kudos.
It is far more worrying if nobody says anything.

(BTW: Vague hand-wavery "I don't like it" comments/email are much hard
to process with since it generally takes several rounds first to find
out what the real—and usually tiny—issue is.  You can save lots of
time by being specific when contacting the developers/designers in the
first place).

> … unacceptable to a large

I believe that Mark Shuttleworth has stated on record that the
uptake speed numbers for Ubuntu 11.04 suggest otherwise:


Do you have hard numbers too?  If not it's FUD:


> Better they hear it now than after Canonical is a smoking pile of rubble

There's no "they" and "us" in Ubuntu; just "we".  The bug URL is:


If you have:

  (a) got a specific, detailed issue, please file it there.

  (b) not yet worked out what the detailed concern about Unity
      is, please work it out first, then use the above URL.

  (c) actually got no specific detailed concerns.  Please try to help
      other users with their direct questions being asked.


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