Ubuntu loosing its popularity

Billie Walsh bilwalsh at swbell.net
Wed Nov 30 18:43:26 UTC 2011

On 11/30/2011 12:24 PM, J wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 12:36, Art Edwards
> <edwardsa at icantbelieveimdoingthis.com>  wrote:
>> Interesting that you brought up push button drive. That ended up being a
>> gimmick that was dropped a few years later by all the major auto makers.
>> I had a 1963 Dodge Dart with push button drive. Not a great innovation,
>> really. IMHO, either is the dock in Unity.
> Only because the shifter on the stalk and in the console were "more
> familiar" and not as strange.  However, if you notice today's vehicles
> are slowly coming back to push button drive.
> There's been push-button AWD/4WD for some time now, and high end and
> even some lower end cars are coming with push-button or spinny-knob
> automatic transmissions.
> So really, if you're saying that Unity is the Push Button Automatic,
> well, then it will eventually become accepted.

Some of them are going to "paddle" shifters on the steering wheel.

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