Subject: non-contiguous files on disk

jimmckenzie at jimmckenzie at
Tue Nov 29 19:49:49 UTC 2011

Just to ask. How full is the disk? Sometimes a full disk (or close to it) can make it harder to sort files. Also alot of really small files can also do this. I know a hard-drive is good for what it's good for (you got it to use the way "you" need it) but still at base a computer is still a very dumb machine running off of very elaborate instructions. Even EXT4 (as good as it is) can hit a brick wall.

If my questions/responses are "off point" please forgive, but it could be worth considering.

>Subject: non-contiguous files on disk
>Message-ID: <20111129171825.5ef03e04 at infinity.home>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

>I've just done a disk check on a healthy 2TB disk (ext4) and I'm told that
>the files are 22% non-contiguous.  This seems rather higher than normal (1%
>or 2%). Is there some action I should take?

>- Richard.

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