xfce weather applet

Art Edwards edwardsa at icantbelieveimdoingthis.com
Sun Nov 27 21:04:48 UTC 2011

On 11/27/2011 12:14 PM, Mike Kupfer wrote:
> R Kimber wrote:
>> On Sun, 27 Nov 2011 06:20:10 -0700
>> Art Edwards wrote:
>>> I'm running maverick. Are you?
>> I've got 11.10
> xfapplet was removed for Oneiric.  Here's a comment from
> http://open.knome.fi/2011/11/09/canonical-community-collaboration/ that
> explains what happened:
>> Lionel Le Folgoc (mr_pouit)
>> November 18, 2011
>> Just to clarify a possible misunderstanding, the xfapplet-plugin was
>> removed in Debian, and Ubuntu at our request: it’s unmaintained and it
>> only supports GNOME2 applets, so it blocked the GNOME3 transition in
>> Debian; in Ubuntu, gnome3 is more or less in oneiric, so it was
>> removed as well
> mike
Who is the /we /in that post. As I read the thread, it seems that
Cannonical is trying to force the use of gnome 3 straight-up.

It would also help our developers a lot if they knew something is going to 
change in advance. For example, we found only today that the Xfce xfapplet
 plugin is removed from Oneiric via our users, not Martin Pitt, the committer. 
We don’t understand why Xfce packages are removed, since this applet clearly
isn’t visible in GNOME, and doesn’t affect GNOME any way. What we definitely 
don’t understand is why we were not informed about this, even if it was a 
necessary thing to do (which it clearly isn’t, for GNOME).

It's as if Cannonical wants to make it difficult to avoid their new
interface. So, a couple of questions arise. 1. Does gnome 3 have
applets? I don't care what interface they run through. To be specific,
does it have a weather applet somewhere on the desktop? 2. If the answer
to 1 was yes, is the code still open source, meaning that all can use
and modify it? 3. If Xfce were able to get a new version of xfapplet
that could run this through an xfce panel, would Cannonical again try to
block its use by removing it from the repository?

Art Edwards
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