A task-centric desktop...

M.R. makrober at gmail.com
Wed Nov 23 17:05:27 UTC 2011

On 11/21/2011 01:57 PM, Liam Proven wrote:

> So the smart Linux vendors have 2 choices:
> [1] Sign a pact with Microsoft to share software patents and not get
> sued - e.g. SUSE, Xandros
> [2] Or don't sign and change to a non-Windows-like desktop, ASAP -
> e.g. Ubuntu, Fedora

I'm not entirely convinced that a patent for something like
"hierarchical launch menu" would not fall long before reaching
the litigation as it obviously fails the "non-triviality"

Be it as it might, I dislike it intensely when a supplier
with whom I have a long and mutually trusting relationship
changes a fundamental characteristic of a product for some
external reason (shortage of commodity, cost of production,
third-party patent...), and then tries to sell the change to
~me~ with the old "...just trust us, it's good for you" line.

Mark R.

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