Request to Moderators and others - OT

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Wed Nov 16 18:55:08 UTC 2011

On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 19:36, Billie Walsh <bilwalsh at> wrote:
> Dotan, while I respect your knowledge and helpfulness in most all
> situations, it's not your job to deal with off topic posters. You, and many
> others, that post endless messages chastising someone for posting something
> "you" don't approve of are just adding to the spam on the list. There are
> list admins whose job it is to deal with such stuff. Let them do what they
> are supposed to do. Want to get the list closed down, keep doing it. Want
> the list to be available to help all the noobs, like me, that need help from
> time to time, let the admins deal with it and stop spamming the list.

Thank you Billie. I must admit that this past year I have been mroe of
a question asker than a question answerer, though!

I do not believe that I have ever chastised someone for a post. There
is a specific poster who I have contacted in private mail very
civilly, and he responded civilly as well and seems to have been
posting less distractions.

To summarize, comments to infringers are off list and respectful.

Dotan Cohen

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