Install onto USB

Alan Pope alan at
Tue Nov 15 15:49:16 UTC 2011

On 15/11/11 13:52, Liam Proven wrote:
> On 15 November 2011 13:10, Richard Owlett<rowlett at>  wrote:
>> Liam Proven wrote:
>>> On 14 November 2011 15:47, Gilles Gravier<ggravier at>    wrote:
>>>> Take a PC. Stick the disk in it. Boot on the install CD. Install on the
>>>> USB stick. Reboot on the USB stick. Run updates. Voila.
>>> Hmmm. I am sure that didn't work, last time I tried. I will try again...
>> *IT DOES NOT* at least in my experience.
>> I tried to install to a USB so my Windows(tm) hard rive would not be touched
>> and I would be able to run the same Linux install on my desktop and my
>> laptop.
>> Evidently it is _Physically_ possible but the livecd doesn't let you do it
>> unless you are already a guru. I've all but given up on Ubuntu being a
>> usable/suitable/??? distro.
> Were you the chap that got Ubuntu on the USB key but GRUB on his hard
> disk, so couldn't boot unless the key was inserted?
> That did sound very unfortunate!

I had that with my HP Microserver once.

I have done installs onto USB sticks many times, it does work. The key 
things to note are that you need to do manual partitioning  "Something 
else" in Ubiquity, and you need to select the USB stick to have GRUB 
installed on it. In the past this was a fairly hidden option, I believe 
it's now more prominent.


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