[Moderator message] Re: Request to Moderators and others - OT

Kevin O'Gorman kogorman at gmail.com
Mon Nov 14 16:27:51 UTC 2011

On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 6:38 AM, Billie Walsh <bilwalsh at swbell.net> wrote:
> If you are a mod and posting a message to chastise someone would it be
> possible to state in the subject something to effect of "Moderator Message".
> If your not a moderator - let the moderators handle it and stop posting spam
> to the list.
> Thank you for your consideration.

I'm only one moderator, and cannot speak for the others.  However...

1) It will be extremely rare that I post here *as a moderator*.
Communication is almost always direct to one email address.  This
email is my first exception.
2) Moderation is normally applied only to messages that have been
withheld by mailman, and is done through a program (listadmin) that
does not allow fooling with the subject line.
3) A few things per day are marked as possible spam.  Every such one I
have looked at *has* been pretty obvious spam, and I have discarded
4) A few things per month have been over-sized, usually because of
attachments.  I have rejected these with a message back to the sender.
 Some people actually pay for this stuff by the byte, and we have to
be considerate.
5) The rest has been messages from non-subscribed email addresses.  A
few have been sincere postings, and I have rejected these with a
message back to the sender.  If they are not subscribed, they won't
see posted replies.  They can subscribe and re-send, or use an
already-subscribed account if they have one.  The rest have been
non-english, obvious spam, wildly off-topic, or otherwise
unintelligible and have been silently dropped.
6) I have had no occasion (yet) to unsubscribe, block or ban anyone.
I'm hoping it stays that way.

Kevin O'Gorman, PhD

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