separate columns in Gwibber in oneiric?

Adam Funk a24061 at
Mon Nov 14 12:04:02 UTC 2011

On 2011-11-09, Adam Funk wrote:

> With the upgrade from natty to oneiric, Gwibber changed from
> to 3.2.1, and I can not figure out how to get multiple columns in the
> new version, even though the launchpad page has a link to a screenshot
> like what I want (and am used to using):
> The old version had a Gwibber -> New Stream menu item that created
> more columns, and you could set them separately.  I have two twitter
> acounts for different purposes, and some lists, which I want to appear
> in separate columns.  In the new version, there seems to be one
> displayed stream that mixes tweets from the two accounts, and the old
> editable "RT" retweet is gone.
> Can I get the desired features back?  If not, can someone recommend
> another twitter client that does what I want?

Never mind, I've switched to Qwit.  It's not quite as good for my
purposes as Gwibber was, but it's close.

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