[OT] Computers and cold temperatures & lm-sensors

CJ Tres ctres at grics.net
Sun Nov 13 17:57:04 UTC 2011

On 11/13/2011 11:08 AM, compdoc wrote:
>> Humidity and static electricity are things I hadn't considered.
>> Maybe I should run a small humidifier nearby?
> I have to run a room humidifier in the house in winter, or I zap everything
> I touch. I've killed a couple of motherboards that way.

We run one here inside also, mainly to protect my guitars. I do have a 
smaller one that may suffice if I keep it near the box (in the garage) - 
need to put a hygrometer out there too.

> The HVAC has a humidifier installed, but it doesn't help.

I had considered that - glad I didn't do it.

>> So as for thermostatic controls, I've installed lm-sensors and ran
>> sensors-detect but the only sensor detected is WInbond W83697HF/F/HG
> When you run sensors-detect, do you accept all defaults, but at the end
> select Y to have the results entered into the .conf file? (Y is not the
> default)

Yes, it was added.

> If you enter the motherboard's bios at boot, is there a section that shows
> you voltages and temps? Maybe that board lacks proper sensors.

Not sure, I'll have to pay attention next time I re-boot.
Isn't running sensors-detect a reliable way to find all sensors?

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