Why make things difficult?

Robert Spanjaard spamtrap at arumes.com
Thu Nov 3 07:45:14 UTC 2011

On Wed, 02 Nov 2011 19:31:26 -0500, Kipton Moravec wrote:

> On Wed, 2011-11-02 at 23:34 +0100, massimo sandal wrote:
>> Have you read Inkscape's tutorials and documentation?
>> I am quite baffled by your difficulties because Inkscape is almost
>> *trivial* to use. I have seen kids using it productively without help.
>> Perhaps you simply need to read a bit to figure out the basics.
> Yes I have read the tutorials. I have mot read the whole manual. I just
> have to draw lines, boxes with rounded corners and circles and
> triangles. I am good with everything but the triangles.

You're not using Inkscape to create flowcharts, right? There's a lot of 
specialised software to do that. :-)

Regards, Robert                                      http://www.arumes.com

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