led vs. lcd monitors

Joep L. Blom jlblom at neuroweave.nl
Wed Nov 2 08:59:47 UTC 2011

On 11/02/2011 06:15 AM, Doug wrote:
> I have been teetering on the edge of upgrading a 4x3 monitor to a 16x9.
> Today I was in Staples, and looked at about 5 brands of 23"
> monitors, which included both LCD and LED I definitely got the
> impression that the LED monitors were not as sharp as the LCDs.
> I wonder if this is just a poor sample, or if this is actually the case
> across the board. (It would seem that LCDs are on the way out.
> They're certainly cheaper.) What is the consensus?
> --doug
As most people are lured by sales-speak, Led-displays are LCD-displays. 
The only difference they have LED's as light-source instead of lamps. 
The display is in both cases LCD. I think that actually to produce 
LED-lights is cheaper but it is a new fad and therefore more expensive.
(My last screen was a "cheap" (Philips) LCD-screen from the sales 
corner: works as a charm).

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