USB mouse stops working

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Tue May 31 01:34:47 UTC 2011

On 31/05/11 06:38, Bill Stanley wrote:
> I have a regular mouse attached to my laptop. Most of the time, this 
> arrangement works fine but occasionally this mouse stops working. The 
> built in mouse-pad still works. I really do not want to use the 
> mouse-pad because it is awkward for me. (Most of the time the laptop 
> is used like a desktop.)
> Does having two mice active on the same computer cause problems? (I 
> suspect that this is the case.) If so can I deactivate the mouse-pad 
> and use the USB mouse exclusively? By the way, I have not yet 
> determined what causes the USB mouse to stop working.

Faulty mouse? Faulty cable? Cable plugged in properly?

Also, if you have 2 devices using the same USB channel one will stop 
working while the other one is active. Is this a possibility?


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