Locked out of HDD

Jordon Bedwell jordon at envygeeks.com
Mon May 30 19:36:09 UTC 2011

On 5/30/2011 1:49 PM, Nils Kassube wrote:
> Pritam Baral wrote:
>> @Nils: That could work. Thanks! But would all ATA commands go through
>> a USB to SATA bridge, or would I need an eSATA to SATA bridge?
> Hmm, good point. It depends on the chipset of the bridge for both SATA 
> and eSATA. From [1]:
> | eSATA does not suffer from these issues provided that the controller
> | manufacturer (and its drivers) presents eSATA drives as ATA devices,
> | rather than as "SCSI" devices (as has been common with Silicon Image,
> | JMicron, and NVIDIA nForce drivers for Windows Vista); In those cases,
> | even SATA drives will not have low-level features accessible. 
> While this seems to be Windows specific, I would assume, that it is a 
> similar problem with Linux.
> Nils
> [1] <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serial_ATA#eSATA>

If I remember right, libata always presents SATA as SCSI on Linux, each
port is it's own SCSI bus.  Unless this has changed?  You should be
using sdparm for SATA configurations (unless your disk appears to the
system as IDE because of a bios setting)

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