enable video card

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Thu May 19 06:22:01 UTC 2011

On 19 May 2011 07:12, William Biggs <wbiggs at clear.net> wrote:
> I would like to know how to enable my card with out enable the new
> desktop it run slow on my computer . I have nvida 8400 se 512 ram 2g of
> ram but it runs slow . but if I uninstall my drivers the computer run
> just fine no slow downs

I do not understand why installing the drivers should make it run
slow, possibly others can comment on this, but if you do not want to
use the new Unity desktop with the large buttons down the left side
then when logging in, on the screen where you enter the password,
there is a select box at the bottom which will allow you to select
'Classic' rather than 'Ubuntu' which will give you the old desktop
with the menus across the top.  Alternatively you can install unity-2d
(sudo apt-get install unity-2d) which will give you the Unity desktop
but without requiring 3d features from the graphics.


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