Unity ROCKS!!!

Tom H tomh0665 at gmail.com
Mon May 9 17:34:42 UTC 2011

On Sat, May 7, 2011 at 1:57 PM, Graham Todd <grahamtodd2 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 2 May 2011 12:18:49 +0100
> Liam Proven <lproven at gmail.com> wrote:

>> >> > My point is that apparently the developers did, in fact, keep their
>> >> > promise, because Ubuntu 11.04 is up and running without a hitch
>> >> > on my old boat anchor, albeit without Unity.
>> >>
>> >> Yes, that true.  But, the word is that that is temporary.
>> >>  Supposedly, plans are to discontinue the Gnome versions
>> >> altogether.
> Well, Mark Shuttleworth has suggested that the Unity desktop is a "place
> holder" until the complete Gnome3 can be part of a future Ubuntu
> release.  So unless they change their minds, we shall be having Gnome3
> - not Gnome2 - as the eventual desktop for Ubuntu.

When did he say that?! I'd find that *very* surprising. Canonical's
put far too much into the development of Unity to drop it for GNOME 3.
Furthermore, Unity was developed because GNOME rejected Canonical's
patches, suggestions, etc ...

> Unity is *not* a front-end to Gnome; it is a desktop environment in its
> own right but (as I have said) it will be with us temporarily until
> Gnome3 comes along to Ubuntu.

Unity's not a full DE; it slots in above GNOME (2 for now, 3 for
11.10; GNOME 3 was released too late in the Ubuntu development cycle
for it to be adopted as the base of Unity). Unity's a GNOME shell (or
user interface) in the same was that GNOME-Shell is a GNOME shell.

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