Grub not working

dave boland dboland9 at
Thu May 5 14:07:55 UTC 2011

On Thu, 05 May 2011 19:17 +0530, "Chhatoi Pritam Baral"
<chhatoipritam at> wrote:

It is the default behaviour or grub2, that if it finds only one
OS, it doesn't show a screen at startup, and directly boots into
that OS.

But what I'm really stumped as to how grub 0.97 came to be on a
fresh install of 11.04!!!

Chhatoi Pritam Baral

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That may have been my fault.  Being a good Linux citizen, we like
to go to the Internet and read things and try to fix it ourselves
before asking for help.  Or, it could just be a guy thing (or so
I'm told :-) ).  So, it is likely that I either got the wrong
info, or did it wrong, or both.

Of course, I would not have had to do that if the Ubuntu
installer was a little more helpful and/or found windows.  I have
done a number of Linux installs (Mint, Mepis, Debian, and a few
others), and I have never had a Grub problem -- until now.

  dave boland
  dboland9 at

-- - Or how I learned to stop worrying and
                          love email again

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