Unity ROCKS!!!

Jonathan Hudson jh+ubuntu at daria.co.uk
Mon May 2 18:32:23 UTC 2011

On Mon, 02 May 2011 14:01:07 +0200, Gilles Gravier wrote:

>On 02/05/2011 10:52, G. wrote:
>> On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 10:44 AM, G. <pegngaryubuntu at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> snip
>>>> Problem with Unity that I've not found workarounds for :
>>>> 1) Menues. Unity makes it easy to launch the few apps you lanch every
>>>> day. But when you want one that isn't a commonly used app, you have to
>>>> go through all kinds of hoops. Menues with hierarchies were much simpler
>>>> for that. So Unity great for everyday user. Not so much for power user
>>>> who uses many apps...
>>> Try right clicking on 'applications' icon.  When I do this it gives
>>> the familiar list of categories of applications.  Does that solve the
>>> problem?
>That works... sort of. Let's say it gets me half way there. :) Thanks!
>>>> 2) Top-bar panel applets. How do I add applets to the top bar? I have a
>>>> server for which I want to monitor CPU and disk temperatures... How do I
>>>> install an equivalent of GNOME Sensors Applet in the Unity top bar?
>>> I added a temperature applet from the Applications menu.  Can not find
>>> one for CPU temps yet anyway.
>> Found an app in Synaptics called Computer Temp. Installed it and can
>> not find where to activate it.
>OK. Got to the end of that one. What happens is that Unity doesn't
>support GNOME applets. Same thing, GNOME 3 won't support applets. Unity
>has an API called "Indicators" (the things on top right of the screen in
>what in another life is called system tray)... Indicators live there.
>Indicators is a very new concept. I.e. not many available.
>You can, for example, in Synaptics, look for "indicator-weather". You
>install it. Nothing happens. Then you go to the applications menu and
>type weather and there it is. Launch it and you get the config menu.
>Then it is active. Nice. I want more indicators. I want GNOME Sensors
>ported to Indicators API!


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