Upgrading to 11.04 - Desktop

Peter Hillier-Brook phb at hbsys.plus.com
Mon May 2 10:27:28 UTC 2011

On 01/05/2011 19:40, Ric Moore wrote:
> On Sun, 2011-05-01 at 11:33 +0100, Peter Hillier-Brook wrote:
>> Oh, and while I'm on a rant, I wonder why Canonical feels it
>> necessary to re-build LibreOffice with their own private bugs!! It
>> wastes 20 minutes with every new LibreOffice release, clearing out
>> the Ubuntu version and re-installing the real thing.
> Well, you know that it's still in beta mode, right? You take your
> chances, when you dance with the devil in the pale moonlight. It's
> on you for making that choice. :) Ric

I wonder what you mean by, "it's still in beta mode"? I was referring to 
the released version(s) of LO. For whatever reason, Canonical seem to 
feel the need to re-build - with changes - the standard product that is 
already available as pre-built deb packages. This smacks to me of an 
attempt at branding that adds no value to the product.

Peter HB

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