Aptitude--any users!

Alan Pope alan at popey.com
Sun May 1 20:47:30 UTC 2011

On 1 May 2011 21:32, James Freer <jessejazza at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Wow that was a speedy reply! Thanks

No problem. Sunday evening, Repeats on telly, why not answer some email :)

> In other words what i've thought with aptitude isn't quite the case so
> use purge. So what i read in the Ubuntu Linux Bible wasn't correct.

I'll be honest I'm not an expert with aptitude, I never use it.

> So what was the situation regarding apt-get. Autoremove seems to
> remove dependencies but not config files [or at least not all]. Does
> purge in apt-get remove ALL - if so why was autoremove developed.

If you wanted to remove dependants and config:-

sudo apt-get autoremove --purge <package>

Should do the trick.

> Sorry if i seem dim but when one reads manuals i don't recall anyone
> saying use Purge for both aptitude and apt-get. It seems at good idea
> to keep one's system clean.

Yeah. I recently switched from apache2 to lighttpd and did a remove
rather than purge of apache because I wanted to keep the config around
for a while. I guess I should "tidy up" sometime :)


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