<OT> Re: Explain to me again why Unity is so great...(Part II)

Goh Lip g.lip at gmx.com
Sun May 1 04:10:28 UTC 2011

On 05/01/2011 11:34 AM, chris wrote:
> <snip>
>>> </SARCON>
>>> What is next a Hello Kitty desktop on top of Unity?
>>> <?SARCOFF>
>> I filed a patent on that already... if it's got a kitty, kitten or a
>> cat, pay me. :) Ric
>   Oh Oh, We got an international patent suit coming up.
> The crouched attack cat is the national emblem of Felixonia, an Island just north of here.
> The kiwi

Paupers! I became a billionaire within the first 5 secs of filing my 
patent on sex (including the bill clinton type, however much he denied 
it did not fall into the definition - he paid up).

Assange paid triple.
The pope.... shhhhhh.... paid himself.
(ah... so much for the mustard seed)

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