automatic update want to remove packages

Joep L. Blom jlblom at
Thu Mar 31 10:56:51 UTC 2011

On 31/03/11 00:00, NoOp wrote:
> On 03/30/2011 12:58 AM, Joep L. Blom wrote:
> ...
> Joep,
> No need to cc me unless you are sending only to me - I read/post to the
> list. You are of course welcome to email me directly, but turn off the
> cc when replying to the list please :-)
> Updating from LibreOffice will *not* remove your OOo if you install the
> new version in the same manner as the one you have installed already.
> Read my response to Avraham in the 'LibreOffice instead of OpenOffice'
> thread on how to install. You just download 3.3.2 and install - it will
> install just fine over your existing LO in the /opt directory.
> Gary

Sorry ,Jerry,
I assume accidentally pushed the wrong button as I normally never put a 
name in the cc-list.
I have installed 3.3.2 but ut is the ubuntu update that want to remove 
OO when it want to update.
What happens is the following:
Update comes with the announcement of new updates and shows the updates
and refuses to load the LO updates but updates the non-LO ones.
It then asks to do a partial UPGRADE and then wants to remove all OO 
packages and libre-office-debian-menus, nautilus-cd-burner and 
python-uno and then it will upgrade uno-libre3 and ure.
Why does it want to remove something which, as far as I know, doesn't 
interfere with the packages to update.
Of course I will reinstall LO in the /opt directory but I don't see why 
this will pacify update.
MR Zenwiz, see above.


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