Need help, please, with burning DVDs

rikona rikona at
Tue Mar 29 17:48:49 UTC 2011

Hello Basil,

Tuesday, March 29, 2011, 6:24:53 AM, Basil wrote:

BC> I have been using k3b for years

Me too - I rather like the pgm.

BC> to burn video DVDs both 4.7GB and 8.5GB without any problems -
BC> until this week:'( . I am using a Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-110 burner
BC> which burns the full range of DVDs (except, of course, BluRay).

One possibility is the drive is no good. I've had to replace quite a
few drives, and are the most-replaced item on my boxes. [Stopped
buying Sony after losing half a dozen drives with short lives.]

Sometimes the symptoms can be quite odd. For example, a well-used
drive on my linux box got flaky. I moved it to a win box and it worked
fine. I was then sure the problem MUST be in the lin box and fiddled a
lot to get it to work, with no results. I finally bought another one
just like it on sale, installed it in the lin box, and it was fine.
Never did figure out what kept k3b and that particular drive from
getting along.



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