hibernate with swap+swapfile?

Franz Waldmüller waldbauernbub at gmx.at
Mon Mar 28 14:21:34 UTC 2011

Hi Karl,

Am 2011-03-28 15:16, schrieb Karl Larsen:
> On 03/28/2011 07:07 AM, Franz Waldmüller wrote:
>> i am going to upgrade my RAM this week from 4 to 12 GB. Since my swap
>> partition is only 4,5GB in size I will have to increase the swap space
>> because I want to use the hibernate on this machine.
>> I would like to know, if creating a swapfile of around 8GB and adding
>> it to fstab is all I need to do?
>> Will ubuntu use both, the swap partition and the swap file?
> Hi Franz, I have 6 GB of RAM and a swap partition. Using 'top' I can see
> that my system uses zero GB of my swap. You should see the same.
> 73 Karl

Thank you for your help. When a system hibernates Linux stores the 
content of the RAM in the swap space or in a swap file. If you want to 
hibernate you need some sort of swap regardless if it is used during 
normal operation.


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