Edit PDF in OO-Draw

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Sat Mar 12 03:18:29 UTC 2011

On 03/11/2011 09:39 AM, Patton Echols wrote:
> I have a PDF that is intended to be printed out, blanks filled in and 
> mailed in.  I would like to modify the document to add fillable fields.  
> With a new odf document in Writer, I am able to do this.  But the PDF 
> will not open in Writer and can only be opened in Draw.  I do not see a 
> way of inserting fillable fields in Draw.  Google gives me lots of pages 
> that tell about inserting text boxes, text over graphics, text frames, 
> etc.  Not fillable fields.  Does that facility exist in draw?  If so, 
> can anyone tell me how to access it?
> Thanks
> --PE

Unfortunately you won't be able to edit/modify to add form information
in Draw. You can try a copy/paste to Writer to create a new document &
then edit/modify that way.


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