Proposition for a new list to replace Sounder
Leo "TheHobbit" Cacciari
leothehobbit at
Tue Jun 21 13:34:50 UTC 2011
Il 06/21/2011 02:13 PM, Alan Pope ha scritto:
> Basil.
> On 21 June 2011 12:43, Basil Chupin <blchupin at> wrote:
>> 5 days ago I posted the following message as a response to Alan in a thread
>> which was already rather long and as a result I feel that many people have
>> simply did not read my post as they were "fed up" with the contents of that
>> thread by that stage.
> Tip: Change the subject of the mail if you're introducing new subject
> matter into the thread. That way it's more likely to get noticed than
> when buried in a thread about the new desktop.
>> Alan, is there any reason, *ANY* reason at all, why a new mail list could
>> not be started to replace Sounder?
> Plenty of reason why there couldn't, but no reason not to request one.
> New lists can be requested on the Canonical IS team request tracker.
> What purpose would the list have? We don't tend to create lists
> randomly, they get requested for a particular team or project.
>> But a list which:
>> 1. is NOTarchived, and
>> 2. is *NOT* accessed by google
> Nothing stopping someone subscribing and archiving it. e.g.
>> therefore making it "invisible" except to the participants of that list?
>> Make the list "open-ended" but still moderated to ensure that total
>> foul-mouthed
> Perhaps if you'd kept the obscenity out I'd take this mail more seriously.
> Al.
just a remark, in Australia, where the OP apparently write, and the USA
the term you qualify as 'obscenity' is perceived as a lot less insulting
than in the UK. See under "Differences in perceived levels of
offensiveness" on the related wikipedia entry.
Leo "TheHobbit" Cacciari
Aliae nationes servitutem pati possunt populi romani est propria libertas
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