Brief thoughts on Unity

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Fri Jun 17 06:33:17 UTC 2011

On 13/06/11 20:15, Alan Pope wrote:
> On 13 June 2011 08:55, Basil Chupin<blchupin at>  wrote:
>>  From a closer read of the OP's message one could conclude that there are
>> quite a number of implicit technical questions in that post in which case
>> there would be no contravention of the spirit of what could be posted in
>> this list.
> Oh please. If the OP wanted technical help he could have sent specific
> targetted questions. He and you have been on this list long enough to
> know that "blog post" style posts are not requests for technical help
> but more people ranting/venting about what happens to annoy them that
> day/week. The final line of his mail makes this pretty clear.
>> At the same time, someone, who shall remain nameless, has removed a mail
>> list where people were able to post messages of a broader and more general
>> nature, but since that list has not been replaced in any way shape or form
>> by anything which is less restrictive and anal-retentive in nature which
>> would allow Ubuntu members to express themselves then the only place where
>> people can express themselves is here.
> There's plenty of lists / forums / irc channels online for the open
> unrestricted discussion of all manner of subjects. This list isn't
> that.
> Al.

Sorry for not replying earlier but have been distracted by other things.

Alan, is there any reason, *ANY *reason at all, why a new mail list 
could not be started to replace Sounder?

But a list which:

1. is *NOT* archived, and

2. is *NOT *accessed by google

therefore making it "invisible" except to the participants of that list?

Make the list "open-ended" but still moderated to ensure that total 
foul-mouthed wankers are kept out; but should somehow such a 
foul-mouthed wanker gets in then the list members will soon sort him/her 

Call this new mail list "42".


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