Brief thoughts on Unity

Stephen Kuhn yank.down.under at
Mon Jun 13 10:40:39 UTC 2011

On Mon, 2011-06-13 at 11:15 +0100, Alan Pope wrote:

> There's plenty of lists / forums / irc channels online for the open
> unrestricted discussion of all manner of subjects. This list isn't
> that.
> Al.

I wish I could count how many times - either in support lists or in IRC
channels, I've heard this in the past 17 years - it's been so many that
I really can't begin to count them.

However, I'll say this:

I was (probably still am) a member of a group called "Helpdesk2000"
whose aim it was to deliver a type of support that excelled beyond the
norms, satisfying not only the "support-ee" but the "support-er" and
making for nearly 100% of a resolution to whatever the issue was.

Part of the mechanism and training, aside from "basic human psychology"
was that there has to be a certain amount of levity placed in a
situation to allow for smooth communication, a trusting relationship,
and teamwork from a situation that otherwise would NOT be a team. This
required a bit of your own personality chucked into the mix, a bit of
humour in a good sense, and alot of research and hard work.

Humans vent, humans laugh. Stressed humans, without vent, get more and
more resilient to a relaxed atmosphere.

I proved my point many times over when I was one of the lead ops in
Mandrake's IRC channel - resolving more issues through the use of
relaxed and comfortable interplay which also involved a bit of humour
here and there, and a bit of a rant here and there - as I am as human as
anyone else in the channel (hopefully still am).

I do this TO THIS DAY with my PAYING CLIENTS. I resolve their issues, I
make them relax, I communicate to them - in a human way - and even when
I have to enforce control in the situation in order to resolve
something, regardless of what is going on, I still will utilise a sense
of humour to disperse stress or anxiety on either their part or my part
or both.

This is why, after all these years, I still get stroppy with those that
want to be so "hard lined" - humans are not black and white, they're all
over the place and they're always crossing lines - that's just a reality
- regardless of whether one wants to adhere to that reality or not.

IF there was a situation where a "fight" was happening - causing true
disruption, well, stepping in and putting an end to it is what is
expected - however, for simplistic vents and rants, it's truly
unnecessary and makes for bad karma down the line. Been there done that.

No harm in just letting some folks just have a say without slamming down
the bloody Ubuntu Bible and calling the list nazi squad.

reg'd linux user #267497
Veni, Vidi, volo in domum redire.
I run linux, now go STFU.

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