From IRC and a NEW USER: "Ubuntu is so horrible to try and use..."

Liam Proven lproven at
Tue Jun 14 14:07:37 UTC 2011

On 14 June 2011 12:26, Jordon Bedwell <jordon at> wrote:
> On 6/14/2011 3:33 AM, Ric Moore wrote:
>> Huh, since I'm a chicken and still running 10.4, I'm wondering what the
>> KDE folks have improved since? The one thing that Gnome lacks, without
>> running Compiz, is the ability to just move my mouse pointer to the
>> screen edge and pop magically into the adjoining workspace, without some
>> key combination or incantation. Gnome makes me crazy without it, so I
>> don't use it. If Unity lacks that feature, I'll be just staying with
>> KDE. :) Ric
> I hope they improved the ugly glass look they have going on.  The only
> thing that always ruined KDE for me was the ugly interface, it just
> seemed like it was all candy, and I'm not into candy, I preferred the
> mat finish of GNOME tbh, I didn't even like the old candy glass GNOME
> look that way back 6.10 (or was it 6.04?) introduced, I used Clearlooks
> back then I just really dislike the glass look.

*Strongly* agree.

I am not generally hugely bothered about appearance, but KDE's themes,
in every single distro I have tried with *one* exception, range from
horrible to oh-my-gods-make-it-stop.

The exception was Red Hat. Not RHEL, old Red Hat, which I used from
4.x to 9.x. Red Hat's "Bluecurve" theme is the only time I've seen KDE
look attractive.

Xandros tamed it but it was still unattractive. Everyone else, from
Kubuntu to SUSE to Mandriva to PC-BSD, have horrible cheap & tacky
appearances, so nasty they actually make it too unpleasant to use for

Sounds petty, but it's actually quite serious. "Plastik" and "Keramik"
and the Krystal icons are just /horrible/ to look at, with so much
excess colour it tires my eyes out to look at it.

Liam Proven • Info & profile:
Email: lproven at • GMail/GoogleTalk/Orkut: lproven at
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