Repointing the trash

Ioannis Vranos ioannis.vranos at
Thu Jun 2 18:32:43 UTC 2011

On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 9:27 PM, Michael Comperchio <mcmprch at> wrote:
> Ok, probably a silly question…
> When I installed Ubuntu I created (or rather I accepted the default) a
> partition of 89 gigs. I was wondering about the size, but after putzing
> around in windows I discovered that’s the smallest that I can shrink the
> NTFS partition on this drive. No big deal really since I created links to
> the Documents, Pictures etc… in the old skynet partition.
> So… I haven’t booted to windows in months… today I decided to clean up a
> whole lot of stuff from the NTFS partitions using Xfe. Seems that Xfe sends
> all that NTFS crap to the Ubuntu side’s trash can… all of a sudden I
> couldn’t delete any more… trash was full… now I don’t know if this will ever
> be a problem again, but I was wondering if I can ‘ln –s’ that trash can onto
> the other NTFS drive in my system that has almost a TB of space free?
> And is this the right solution?

Well if you have Nautilus available, it has an option about a Delete
command that bypasses trash. Myself I am using it, however be careful
about what you delete.

Also check if Xfe has such an option.

An alternative, is to use the rm terminal command.

Ioannis Vranos

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