Went Back To Windows(R)...

Hal Burgiss hal at burgiss.net
Sat Jul 30 23:25:02 UTC 2011

On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 4:12 AM, Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at gmail.com> wrote:

> > Make the security updates anything less
> > of a nightmare?
> No problems with security updates in my Windows 7 VM or the wife's W7
> laptop.

That's you. I recently had the pleasure of doing a re-install on an XP
system. Whilst doing the updates, I lost count at 8 reboots. It wound up
around 11 or 12. That's just goofy.

The real issue is no one should care what you like, the OP likes, and so on.
If he says "blah blah works best for me and I want to use it." That's fine.
But he didn't, he made a general statement, with the seeming presumption of
what was important to him was universal. But its not. Its more a matter of
what you need and what you want to do as an individual vs what I or someone
else might want. I take it it works best for him, but he should not
generalize that. At least not to me, because I will disagree. And not on a
Linux list.

I prefer doing one update, and at most one reboot. I manage a lot of
systems, and multiple reboots is a PITA. In fact, rebooting at all is a
waste of time/money (in the case of time === money when its in a business
setting). That's a tragic flaw in the windows world ... reboot, reboot, and
more reboots.

> > Install a
> > decent shell by default without having to jump through hoops?
> I have heard that Powershell is now installed by default.

POSIX compliant? How well does grep work etc. ?

> > A decent text
> > editor?
> You can install VIM.

Is it part of the OS packaging, which would be my strong preference? My
problem with using any windows system as a productive work station is that
*I* have to install a bunch of stuff to increase my productivity. And then I
have to update watch each one of those for security updates / bug fixes and
install them individually instead of being part and parcel of the OS. That
is a huge mark down in the usability time === money category -- for *me*.
 Its not efficient.

> > Any good programming tools by default?
> You can install Visual Studio Express for free. That beats and IDE in
> Linux by a long shot.
Nonsense. It sucks because its not portable. Eclipse is probably the best
all around best. Or Netbeans, or actually *I* prefer pida + vim, which I am
most productive in.  So I declare that the best -- by a long shot. Its also
very portable combination. I am not tied to one manufacturer's toolset.

And actually I probably meant to say languages, such as Ruby, Python, Perl,
C, C++, PHP, etc that I have at my finger tips as part of the OS packaging.

> > How many filesystem types are
> > supported?
> How many does Linux support? If you are referring to ext3, then
> support can be installed.
Installed? That's a problem. I want it as part of the OS. Actually I prefer
ext4 but I get ...  FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, HFS, HFS+, HPFS, UFS, ext2, ext3,
ext4, btrfs, ZFS, ReiserFS, NFS, SMBFS, FUSE and
a few I am forgetting. I can transfer files faster / easier between
disparate systems faster than anyone using a windows system. That is a
feature I need.

> > How much hassle is it to install a LAMP stack for web
> > development?
> No L, but WAMP: Download and click a single executable, then Next Next Next
> OK.
Who keeps up with security updates and re-installs? Back into problem land
and inefficiency.

> > Do they give you LAMP updates?
> WAMP, yes, you get updates.
Sorry, I meant the people that you get Windows from, the OS. I don't think
Apache updates come in the MS security updates. They have enough problems of
their own.

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