Went Back To Windows(R)...

Jeffrey Gray chevy4x4burb at gmail.com
Fri Jul 29 19:06:56 UTC 2011

You're right.  It is a P6T Deluxe.

As far as buying Linux friendly hardware, this machine was built
before I went to Linux as a desktop OS so I was not concerned with

As far as my argument for going back to windows being futile, I think
that you are trying to over analyse this.  I simply stated that I am
about to because it is easier to use my 4 monitors in windows.  I
don't care if I should have bought this or should have bought that
years ago when I built this machine.  It is just easier with what I
have to function the monitors in windows given the larger support for
that environment.

Yes...20" LCD monitors.  Now I'll really blow your mind.  They are 4:3
standard aspect ratio.  5 years ago they were considered to be quite
large.  Hell, they are old enough that I am already having to replace
some of the caps on their inverter boards.

On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 1:40 PM, Jordon Bedwell <jordon at envygeeks.com> wrote:
> On Fri, July 29, 2011 11:31 am, Frank McCormick wrote:
>>   A google search turns up this forum question and answer:
>>   http://gskill.us/forum/showthread.php?t=4265
>>   Configuration for F3-12800CL9T6GBNQ with Asus P6Q motherboard
> A from the horses mouth search turns none:
> http://usa.asus.com/Search/?SearchKey=P6Q
> http://uk.asus.com/Search/?SearchKey=P6Q
> http://www.asus.com.cn/Search/?SearchKey=P6Q
> TG (to whom I also called to see if there was an out of stock number:
> http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/search.asp?keywords=P6Q
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