MSI A350

Joseph Loo joseph.loo at
Thu Jul 7 00:27:39 UTC 2011

On 07/05/2011 08:05 PM, NoOp wrote:
> On 07/05/2011 07:43 PM, Joseph Loo wrote:
>> I have MSI A350 with 2 Gbytes of memory. I tried to use the ubuntu
>> install disk both live and start the installation on AMD 64 it version.
>> Both methods terminates in a user prompt. However when I try to do the
>> installation with the 32 bit version there is no problem.
>> I tried both a CD and a flash drive. I checked the flash drive and there
>> was no errors on the disk nor on the CD.
>> Is there a problem w/Ubuntu. I can not think of a way of installing
>> ubuntu at this time.
> No clue what an "MSI A350" is. Perhaps you can provide us with details?
MSI 350 mother board is an AMD Fusion Processor with integrated 
graphics. It is an AMD process and my understanding it is AMD64 
compatible processor. It did not come up as a non-amd 64 bit processor.

Yes I did check to make sure the image pass before starting the 
installation or live CD version.

Joseph Loo
jloo at

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