A "green" distro of Ubuntu?

Jordon Bedwell jordon at envygeeks.com
Sun Jul 3 13:07:24 UTC 2011

On 03/07/11 08:00, Richard Owlett wrote:
> How about the hinterland of rural SW Missouri, USA (a subsection 
> of was referred to as "fly over country" in a presidential 
> election ;/ {PS hogs and cattle each outnumber humans and all 
> swamped by chickens *lol*}

Can't blame the cows for that :P I live to the SW of you in Kansas where
cows outnumber us 10 to 1 and roll in and out faster than you can count
them but we still have broadband >.< actually we have competing
broadband because ATT and Verizon are both trying to step in and compete
here now with Cox.  Should move down here, Cox will lie to you and say
you're gonna get 30Mbps but you really get 50Mbps.

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