application which can pop up like gtalk when some one accesses my server

Tapas Mishra mightydreams at
Mon Jan 31 16:58:53 UTC 2011

I have a Ubuntu server with Public IP on which I have a few websites
and SSH accounts.I want to know if there is any application/daemon
which I can install so that when ever some one does an SSH connection
to my server I get a pop up on my laptop similar to  gtalk's popup
message which just gives me some one pop up with a message that user
so and so loged in to server.Or some other application which can also
tell me when ever http requests are made to my server so that I can be
aware or if some one tries a DOS (in this case requests might be
difficult to detect) but I get a pop up which says that so and so
services is trying to access your server from outside.Other than
checking log files is there any way for these things which I asked?


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