Restoring legacy components

Liam Proven lproven at
Fri Jan 28 14:11:37 UTC 2011

On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 1:53 PM, Nils Kassube <kassube at> wrote:
> Liam Proven wrote:
>> Is it possible to set KDE4 to show icons on the actual bl$%dy desktop
>> and not in some wretched floating plasmoid
>> sort-of-filer-window-but-not-quite thing?
> There are two possibilities to have icons on your desktop. In the
> default setting, you can drag application starters from the K menu to
> the desktop (unlock widgets first if necessary).
> The second option is a bit more complicated: Right-click on your desktop
> (if necessary select "unlock Widgets" and right-click on your desktop
> again). Select "Desktop Settings" and on the left panel click on
> "Activity". Select "Folder View" for the "Type" and click "Apply". On
> the (now extended) left panel click on "Location". Select "Show a
> place:" or "Specify folder:" if you don't like the Desktop folder. Now
> it works similar to KDE3. That's how it works with the Kubuntu 10.10
> LiveCD, i.e. KDE 4.5.1 but I think it has been this way for quite some
> time now.

Ah, excellent! Thank you!

>> That just gets you a text-mode bootup, doesn't it? I am not averse to
>> that, but I'd like my old progress bar back, really. Flashing dots
>> convey no information other than "I'm doing something but I won't
>> tell you what or how far I've got". Whatever person thought that was
>> an improvement needs a slap.
> Well, maybe you should take back that last statement. :) The progress
> bar was more or less a counter for the number of jobs started and it
> made sense with the ancient sysvinit because jobs were started one at a
> time. Nowadays we have upstart which starts the jobs in parallel (if
> possible). Therefore your beloved progress bar would now start with
> maybe 80%, wait a considerable amount of time and then jump to 100% (but
> you wouldn't notice it because the display would have switched to the
> display manager already). Would that be more useful than flashing dots?

Actually, yes, I stand by it, and yes, I *would* prefer a progress bar
with a very erratic movement than no progress indication at all.

Liam Proven • Info & profile:
Email: lproven at • GMail/GoogleTalk/Orkut: lproven at
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