Doug dmcgarrett at
Fri Jan 28 01:34:07 UTC 2011


     Gmail is good and free and doesn't crud up your email with "features".
     Select text mode in your Gmail setup. It just works.

> My boss is tied in with this and I ~loathe~ it.<spits>  You'll never make
> it off the ground with that between you and collaborators. They'll go
> crazy in short order and disappear. Ali, since you're not on the
> receiving end of your email, you don't know.

Several folks have complained on this and other lists, that they don't know
if their mail is being received on the list, _because Gmail deletes those
messages_ from the "received" mail.  So Ali would not be on the receiving
end of his mail on Gmail either!  For this and a couple of other reasons, I
would never use Gmail.


Blessed are the peacemakers...for they shall be shot at from both sides. --A. M. Greeley

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