Mounting ISO

calcpage at calcpage at
Sat Jan 22 22:24:29 UTC 2011

OK, I will have to look at the ISO on Monday when I am back in my lab. I am on the roas right now. Thanx for all the suggestions and ur help!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless mobile phone

------Original Message------
From: Goh Lip <g.lip at>
To: "calcpage at" <calcpage at>,"Ubuntu user technical support, not   for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at>
Date: Sun, Jan 23, 6:05 AM +0800
Subject: Re: Mounting ISO

On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 05:46:17 +0800, calcpage at <calcpage at>  

> Yup, I just downloaded sage-511-46.iso which is based on Puppy Linux  
> 5.11 and  SAGE 4.6
> Where should I put the ISO if I'm not making a new partition. My Linux  
> partition is an install of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS 64bit Desktop.

You can put it anywhere, your home (/home/jorge/) would be good. To look  
inside the iso, "sudo mount -o loop sage-511-46.iso" at the terminal. You  
may have to create the directory /mnt/iso first if not done already (sudo  
mkdir /mnt/iso). Then go to /mnt/iso and look inside. Let us know...

  the directories where vmlinuz and initrd are located? Please provide  
their exact names and the directory - example  
/sagelive-511-46.iso/boot/initrd.gz or  
/sagelive-511-46.iso/live/vmlinuz26  Also please check if there are any  
instances of preseed, like /sagelive-511-46.iso/preseed/custom.seed.

Regards - Goh Lip

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