Mounting ISO

Goh Lip g.lip at
Sat Jan 22 22:24:21 UTC 2011

On Sun, 23 Jan 2011 05:46:17 +0800, calcpage at <calcpage at>  

> Yup, I just downloaded sage-511-46.iso which is based on Puppy Linux  
> 5.11 and  SAGE 4.6

Jorge, hold on first, you mentioned puppy linux.. my experience with puppy  
is not so good, for a few good reasons, the one (out of many) pertinent to  
you is that it chews up some partition for itself; some people call it the  
'swap', but I think it uses the chewed partition like the 'persistent-rw'  
for keeping any changes. So I had not tried puppy for many years.

Anyway, I now really need my beauty sleep, I may not profess, like you to  
be older, but still ....good night.

Regards - Goh Lip

I used to have an open mind,
but my brains kept falling out.

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